ECHO OF 2007

The day 17 of September
shall be the foundation of a holy day
making a vow to BUDDHA as a father
at the foot of SHWE DA GONE
monks paying homage
to SASANA and humankind.

Day after day continuing,
although their slippers ruined
with blood of the wounds,
encouraged by the smiles of the people
and the sounds of the claps,
causing the blood boil in our body under sunshine.

The day 24 of September
joining hands with the people
and the generation of the students
cooperating with the country-lovers
for the FREEDOM of Myanmar
we frightened the military dogs.

The day 26 of September
the stage of monks was capsized
at the people's sight
on the stairway of eastern platform,
blood came down to the ground…
military ogres were insane

But our myanmarmonk,
the proof of non-surrendering will be
on the walls of the jail,
though the voices come from our throats,
dictator and bloody military
must fall into the jaws of death by themselves.